Afrin resident kidnapped and tortured for wanting his home back

47-year-old Mihemed Osman Tobal was kidnapped by the Turkey-backed Jabhat al-Shamiya mercenaries from the village of Mamula in the Rajo district in the Afrin canton.

Tobal was kidnapped since he wanted his house back, which is located near Kefir Cenê village in Shera. The Jabhat al-Shamiya group confiscated Tobal’s house after occupying the area.

It is reported that the man was taken to a secluded prison in the Kefer Cenê camp where he was subjected to severe torture.

According to local sources, the mercenary group also threatened Tobal’s family, saying that they would murder them if they talked about returning home. Tobal’s whereabouts remains unknown.


Since the beginning of September, civilians have been kidnapped in Afrin on almost daily basis. Human rights organizations have not yet published a report about the issue, but local sources reveal that dozens of people have been abducted.

A terror and oppressive regime has been established in Afrin, which has been under Turkish occupation since March 2018. Crimes such as kidnapping, execution, torture, looting, and forced migration have become daily routine in the city where war crimes are rampant.

According to the Afrin Human Rights Organization, the Turkish state kidnapped at least 101 people in Afrin between July 29 and August 23.  17 of them were women and 3 of them were children.

The organization said that the Turkish state and its mercenaries ask for ransom for the civilians they abducted and their aim is to complete the demographic change by displacing the local population.