Trustees in Van pay government media

The HDP-run municipalities in Van were seized, the legitimately and freely elected mayors were dismissed and replaced by state-appointed trustees. The trustees began to distribute benefits to the ruling media.

Newspapers such as Sabah, Yeni Akit, Yeni Şafak, Star and Güneş and television channels such as Beyaz TV receive money from trustee municipalities every month. Every newspaper, TV and agency is given 20 thousand TL per month (some two thousand euro). In addition, these newspapers are sold to the seized municipalities every day. Van Metropolitan Municipality and Ipekyolu Municipality personnel are forced to buy these newspapers.

Double salary for Beyaz TV staff

Oğuzhan Öztay, who was appointed as a faculty member at Yüzüncü Yıl University while he was a Beyaz TV employee (a television channel belonging to Melih Gökçek, former mayor of Ankara), was also appointed as a proxy to the Press Office of Ipekyolu Municipality. Öztay thus is paid twice. After Öztay became a manager, he spent 67 thousand TL on the commemoration program he made for the “Hocali Massacre”.

In Van, this organization is run by the Van Journalists’ Association (VGC). Fatih Sevinç, who is the chairman of the organisation, is also the Press Officer of Van Metropolitan Municipality. Kenan Gül, who is the director of the association, was the Van representative of Sabah and Yeni Akit, and placed his brother as the Park and Gardens executive of the Ipekyolu Municipality. Kenan Gül is also the owner of Elif Reklam. Among this team is Ziya Türk, who has been living in Van for many years and is known for his fascistic anti-HDP stance.

Billboard advertisements in Ipekyolu Municipality are given to Zafer Automotive company owned by Kenan Gül, who is the representative of Sabah and Yeni Akit.

Invoice to the municipality, furniture to the television office

Last week, a furniture bill of 47 thousand TL was issued by the Metropolitan Municipality. The furniture bought was brought to Van Lake TV by 4 people, including VGC President Fatih Sevinç.