24th Scandinavian Culture and Art Festival takes place in Stockholm

The 24th Scandinavian Culture and Art Festival was held in Stockholm with the participation of Kurds and their friends from Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway.

The festival had to be postponed for two years due to the coronavirus epidemic.

Scandinavian Kurdish Democratic Society Center co-chair, Nadiya Salih, greeted the participants at the festival, which included Swedish Left Party deputy Lorena Delgado Varas. Varas spoke on behalf of her party and said that they side with the Kurdish people.

The mothers of Eastern Kurdistan martyrs Fermandar Renas Roj and Rebaz Tileko also sent a message to the festival.

After the message by the KCK Executive Council co-chair, Cemil Bayık, Kongra Gel co-chair, Remzi Kartal, saluted the resistance of the Kurdistan guerrilla.

Kartal emphasized that the only address for a solution of the Kurdish question is Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan and added that Öcalan is the red line for the Kurdish people.

Artists Kawa, Nuarin, Armanc and Nasır Rezazi took the stage at the festival.