Autonomous Administration delegation visits Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Rojava-based Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reports that on an official invitation, a delegation from the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria visited the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Larch Lose, Danish Government Adviser and Foreign Relations Officer, Christopher Vivek, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Syria Case Officer, and Christina Berner, Foreign Ministry Humanitarian Affairs Officer, attended the meeting, according to the report.

The delegation of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria included Bedran Çiya Kurd, Co-President of the Executive Council, Ebdulselam Mistefa, Europe Representative, and Şiyar Elî, Scandinavian Representative.

During the meeting, the relationship and dialogue between the Autonomous Administration and Denmark were discussed. Larch Lose, who complimented the Autonomous Administration for its constructive participation in combating terrorism and the Syrian conflict, expressed gratitude for the meeting.

According to ANHA, Larch Lose remarked that they are striving to maintain the region’s security in accordance with the common interests of the allies, to eliminate terrorism, and to negotiate favourably on humanitarian matters, adding that progress would be made in this area.

According to Bedran Çiya Kurd, cooperative efforts on political, economic, humanitarian, and security issues should be developed for the struggle against terrorism to continue. Drawing attention to the genocidal onslaught in Northern and Eastern Syria, he stated, “The Turkish state is attempting to destroy the security of the region, to slaughter and massacre civilians. Turkey is a NATO member. NATO countries must consider the atrocities committed by the Turkish state against the people and should not be partners in its politics.”