SDF releases balance sheet of Turkish assault on Dibis village

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) released the balance sheet of the invading Turkish state’s attack and the clashes that ensued in the Dibis village in north-western Ain Issa.

The SDF Press Centre reported that the Turkish attack began at 3.45 a.m. on September 22.

The SDF stated that the aim of the attack on the Dibis village, located in north-western Ain Issa, was to occupy the village and bring the international M4 highway under Turkish control.

“SDF forces responded to the attack of the Turkish state and its mercenaries. Five mercenaries were killed, four others injured,” the SDF statement said.

The SDF revealed that civilians were targeted during the attack. A civilian by the name of Mecîd El-Ewed (35) lost his life. Other civilians named Zeynep Mihemmed Sherîf (30), Mihemed Sherîf El-Ewed (83), Mehmûd El-Fesîh (19), Yusif Mihemed Hec Hemadî (25) and Terfe Mirî were injured.

The SDF pointed out that the Turkish state is misinforming the people and spreading false news with baseless claims.

“The invading Turkish state published false reports on its official social media accounts following the attack. Its aim is to deceive the public and to portray itself as a savior. The Turkish state circulates baseless claims that our fighters launched the attack, yet it cannot cover its lies by distorting the facts.”