Youth Movement Coordination presents 9-item solution to students’ housing problem

The Youth Movement Coordination issued a written statement about the violation of the right to housing experienced by university students and offered a solution proposal in 9 items.

The statement said that the students were affected by the economic crisis, and pointed out that one of the main problems for thousands of students is with accommodation.

Emphasizing that the government has no solution to this problem, the statement said: “The government says that, in fact, whatever is ‘given’ to young people or students is not a right. We know that it is not enough to be angry, so we are struggling to create another future.”

Solution proposals

The Youth Movement Coordination listed a 9-item plan for the solution:

“* The right to free education is not just about fees. Free education means everything from housing to transportation, from food to bills, from basic needs to social life.

* It is not a crime for young people to be in production and education, education is a compulsory period that the state must pay for. The destruction of this process on families is a great injustice in our country, where the minimum wage turns into average income. It is the direct responsibility of the state to meet the needs of young people during their education period.

* Those who take pride in opening universities should also open enough state dormitories. There is a university at every street corner and a shopping mall. There is neither accommodation nor pocket money for students. Unnecessary shopping malls should be closed and dormitories should be built in their place.

* The increase in the prices of rent during the enrolment period of students is not only a problem of the students, but of all citizens. Therefore, the state should limit the free real estate market that is ready to exploit students. Rental expenses should be limited to not exceed 30 percent of the annual income of the household.

* There are not enough dormitories for students, but they donate a lot of money to  associations and congregations supporting the government so that they can build dormitories.

* If the state cannot build enough dormitories, it should add rent to the scholarship amount of 650 TL.

* Rooms, dormitories and apartments that build housing in inhumane conditions should be inspected and closed.

* Before these items are implemented, no state institution and political power should talk about ‘free education’. Moreover, the items we have mentioned concern only the heading of accommodation.

* Every campus, every faculty should unite, communicate and coordinate.”