People of Maxmur call for action against Turkey’s use of chemical weapons

In the Maxmur refugee camp, residents staged a protest against the use of chemical weapons during the Turkish invasion of Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq). The residents gathered in front of the Centre of the Martyrs’ Families and held a minute of silence. Afterwards, Xurbet Işlek from the Iştar Women’s Council read a statement calling on the Iraqi government to take action.

Xurbet Işlek first extended greetings to Abdullah Öcalan, the guerrillas and the political prisoners and stated that the future belongs to the fighting people. She then addressed the Turkish army’s operation on Iraqi territory, which has been going on for almost five months, saying, “The Turkish state is using inhumane methods against the guerrillas and using chemical weapons in front of the world public. These attacks are also destroying the nature of Kurdistan. As people from the Maxmur Camp, we condemn the attacks and declare that we will continue to resist and will not bow down. The guerrillas are determined and will surely succeed. However, at the same time, the Iraqi government must also take action because the invasion is taking place on Iraqi soil.”