Police do not allow journalists and observers to attend Kobani Trial hearing

The fourth hearing of the Kobani Trial in which 108 HDP members, 24 of whom are jailed pending trial, including the former co-chairs of the party, members of the central executive board (MYK) and party executives are tried, has begun at the Sincan Prison Campus Hall on Monday.

Police tightened the security measures in front of the campus before the hearing began earlier today.

Only lawyers, deputies and those who are tried pending trial have been admitted to the courtroom, while  journalists and observers were denied access citing “orders of the presiding judge”.

When the journalists asked “Will you allow us when the presiding judge gives permission,” the police officers replied that “The decision of the presiding judge is not our concern. We are here on the instructions of the governor’s office.”

Lawyers talked to the presiding judge over this issue and stated that the presiding judge did not make a decision not to allow journalists, observers and relatives of prisoners to the hearing.