Kurdish refugees in Lavrio Camp call off hunger strike

The alternating hunger strike that has been continuing for 259 days in Lavrio refugees Camp in Greece demanding freedom for Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan has ended. The hunger strike was called off after a rally organized by Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger and the European Kurdish Women’s Movement.


During the march, the murder of Yasin Bulut, a member of the PKK Solidarity with Families of Martyrs Committee, was condemned and politician Hüseyin Arasan made a statement. Explaining the purpose of the hunger strike, Arasan said: “As refugees in Lavrio Camp, we have continued our protest against the isolation imposed upon Abdullah Öcalan for 259 days. Thanks to the efforts of our friends, our action has reached its goal. We will continue our resistance until our leadership is liberated.”
