PYD condemns Turkey for killing Yasin Bulut in South Kurdistan

The General Assembly of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) issued a written statement for Yasin Bulut (Şukrî Serhed), a member of the Solidarity Committee with the Families of PKK Martyrs who was murdered in Sulaymaniyah on Friday.

The statement read: “Such inhumane attacks on the Kurdistan Freedom Movement by the Turkish state increase our determination to fight. The PYD General Assembly strongly condemns the murder of Yasin Bulut on the territory of Bashur Kurdistan by the Turkish secret services, MIT. We call on the Bashur government to fulfil its responsibility and ensure the killers to justice. We promise to uphold the struggle left unfinished by Yasin Bulut. We express that the democratic forces in Kurdistan should take action against these crimes committed by the Turkish state.”