Peace Mothers Initiative criticises Masoud Barzani

The Istanbul Peace Mothers Initiative protested the invading attacks carried out by the AKP-MHP government and the use the South government made of them.

Making a statement at the branch building in Fatih (Istanbul), the Peace Mothers criticised the KDP chair, Masoud Barzani, for allowing the attacks. Peace Mother Emine Ünal said: “What are the Turkish soldiers doing in those lands? Barzani should be ashamed of this. It should not hurt the hearts of mothers. Our children should not die. We are here for our children. We will sacrifice our lives for our children if necessary. Barzani needs to put an end to this now. He shouldn’t be partners in this war.”

Ünal recalled the statements made by Barzani in the past when he said that he would not allow war between Kurdish forces. Calling on the Kurdish people to raise their voice against this war, Ünal said: “We will stand by our children and walk with them. We just want peace.”

Havva Kıran, member of the Amed Peace Mothers Council, said that the blood of siblings should not be spilled anymore and added: “There is a massive attack on our lands carried out with NATO weapons, and our children are murdered there. For centuries, we have been human shields for all peoples. But now no one hears our voice. Massoud Barzani must not accept what has been done on his land. He allows these attacks for the sake of his own interests. We want a lasting peace to come to these lands. The most fundamental agenda for our people is the convening of the national congress and the building of national unity. For this, we should be mobilised.”

Peace Mother Bedia Gökköz said that Masoud Barzani was a partner in the attacks and added: “Can’t you see that Turkish soldiers are bombing Kurdish lands, using poison gas? Isn’t Kurdish blood being spilled? Trees and forests are being burned, isn’t it Kurdistan land? Barzani must hear the voices of mothers. We are calling out to Barzani once again: hear our voice, stop the bloodshed. Give voice to the calls for the Kurdish National Congress.”