Court orders to continue detention of lawyers Kozağaçlı and Timtik

Following the Supreme Court’s reversal of the file, detained Contemporary Lawyers Association (ÇHD) Chair, lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı, lawyer Barkın Timtik and convicted Özgür Yılmaz were tried on charges of “terrorist organization” and “membership of a terrorist organization”. The third hearing of the case was held at the Istanbul 18th High Criminal Court in Çağlayan.

Lawyers from France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Italy attended the hearing as well as a number of local politicians.

The prosecution demanded the continuation of the detention of the defendants. The court, which suspended the hearing after the defense by the lawyers, ordered to continue the detention of Kozağaçlı and Timtik. Deciding to send the file to the prosecutor’s office for the preparation of the opinion on the merits, the committee postponed the next hearing to 17 November.