TJA Spokeswoman Ayşe Gökkan remains in prison

The trial of Free Women’s Movement (TJA) Term Spokesperson Ayşe Gökkan on allegations of “membership in a terrorist organization” and “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” was heard in Diyarbakır 9th High Criminal Court today. Gökkan and her attorneys were present for the hearing. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Amed deputies Semra Güzel and Dersim Dağ, members of Rosa Women’s Association, TJA, Mesopotamia Women Journalists Platform, and women activists accompanied Gökkan’s family.

Speaking in Kurdish in response to the claims, Gökkan indicated that she has been in prison defenselessly for 7 months, adding that the indictment was delivered to the prison by the lawyers but not by the prison administration.


The court’s president threatened, “Do not talk unless I give you permission. If you continue to speak without asking me permission to do so, I will send you out. Don’t push it too far.”

Following what occurred, the presiding judge had the lawyers taken out of the courtroom. “You will throw them out by the head and ears,” the court’s chief told the female police officers.

The court also denied the defence’s plea for further time.

Gökkan said, “When my mother died, I was unable to attend her burial, fearing that I would cause trouble there. This is an atrocity. One buries his/her mother only once. The policemen who are following me so closely should keep me from causing a disturbance on the day of the burial. For this reason, if I yield to the persecution, I will be guilty.”

While Gökkan began her defence, lawyer Özüm Vurgun, who wanted to leave the courtroom to get water, was warned not to leave without permission by the presiding judge. “You have to see the lawyers as the defence authorities,” said Nahit Eren, President of the Amed Bar Association, who came to the courtroom after the President remarked, “Where are you going without my permission”. The presiding judge sought to interrupt Eren and alerted the police by saying, “Get them out”. When the lawyers objected, Nahit Eren, the head of the Amed Bar Association, and Mehdi Özdemir, a member of the Bar Association’s Board of Directors, were assaulted and dragged out by the police. During the brawl, one of the police was heard insulting Eren, stating, “You impudent, you dishonorable”.

While the lawyers who were taken out and Gökkan’s family who complained about what was happening were subjected to violence, Gökkan’s nephew, Vedat Gökkan, was attempted to be detained. The detention attempt failed due to the intervention of lawyers and deputies.

Mihrican Gökkan, Ayşe’s older sister, fell ill and was rushed to the hospital.

Following the brawl, the crowd was escorted out of the courtroom, and only Gökkan’s lawyers were allowed to attend the hearing.


Gökkan’s lawyer Muharrem Şahin requested that the hearing is postponed, stating that they would not offer a defence because of what happened. The request was refused by the court.

The court denied the request, claiming that the request for recusation was not made in a timely manner.

According to the hearing minutes, the court postponed the hearing until October 13, ruling for a criminal complaint to be filed with the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, for Gökkan’s imprisonment to continue, and for decision on the request for recusation to be finalized.