ESP: We will continue our struggle against fascism under all circumstances

The Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) held a press conference in the headquarters of the Human Rights Association (IHD) in Ankara regarding the political genocide operation that targeted several members of the party in Ankara, Istanbul and Antalya on September 10.

The press conference was participated by Saliha Aydeniz, co-chair of Democratic Regions Party (DBP); Elif Torun Öneren, co-chair of the United Revolutionary Party; Çiçek Otlu, former co-chair of the ESP, as well as Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) deputies Tülay Hatimoğulları and Murat Çepni.

The press statement was read by Çiçek Otlu who noted that the detention period of the affected party members has been extended by four days.  

The AKP-MHP bloc attacked the ESP to make sure that the anger of workers and labourers is not directed against the state, said Çiçek Otlu, adding, “The ESP exposes to the masses exhausted by poverty, repression and injustice that the enemy is this capitalist and fascist power.”

‘We will enhance our struggle’

Remarking that the government attacks the HDP and HDK (Peoples’ Democratic Congress) in an attempt to hamper the fraternity and equality of peoples, Otlu continued, “The AKP-MHP bloc is attacking Peace Academicians who took an honourable stance against the vicious war targeting Kurdish people. These attacks are a continuation of the former ones that could never accomplish a result. Let it be known that we will continue our struggle under all circumstances. We will enhance this struggle with our belief in freedom, our loyalty to our peoples and revolutionary solidarity. The detained socialists should be released immediately.”

Speaking after, Saliha Aydeniz, co-chair of the Democratic Regions Party, said, “Today, we are facing a government that has no legitimacy left and tries hard to remain standing only by means of war and imprisonment policies. The righteous are those who struggle for a democratic Turkey and free Kurdistan. We, as DBP, fiercely condemn the attack against ESP and vow to enhance the struggle to the very end.”

Stressing that the government targets all organised forces that struggle against it, HDP Adana MP Tülay Hatimoğulları said “The government aims to sustain its fascist power through operations and arrests.”