French civil associations launch pro-Kurdish campaign

Members of the Bretogne Kurdish Friendship Association, Lyon Rhone-Alpes Friendship with Kurds Association, Isere Friends of Kurds Association and France-Kurdistan Association exchanged letters with the prisoners in Turkey as part of the campaign “Kurds need support. What can I do?”.

The associations emphasized that Erdogan’s Turkey is destroying democracy and reminded the closure case against the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and the invasion attacks of the Turkish state.

The campaign text pointed to the jailed elected politicians and activists, saying, “These women and men are bravely defending human values, which are also our values, at the risk of their life. We stand with them in defending universal rights.

The situation of 13 female prisoners who remain in the same cell in Elazig prison was pointed out by the campaigners. Yüksekova Municipality Co-Mayor Remziye Yaşar and former MP Leyla Güven are among them.

The associations also shared a letter from Leyla Güven. In her letter, Güven lays stress on the hunger strikes in prisons, and expresses her concern that some of the hunger strikers might die soon.

Güven also criticizes France’s passive approach, saying, “Although there are people like you who fight for human rights, France has a historical responsibility in the division of Kurdish lands and our current situation (…) I am currently in the prison where Sakine Cansız was held 40 years ago.”

The campaigners urged everyone to send cards to jailed deputies and elected politicians, which contain the phrase “The wheel will eventually turn”, the title of HDP’s former Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş’ book. The associations send cards with beautiful landscapes.