Police attack lawyers during Gökkan’s hearing

The 22nd hearing of the lawsuit against Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA) term spokeswoman Ayşe Gökkan on charges of being an administrator and member of a terrorist organization was held at Diyarbakır 9th High Criminal Court on Monday. Gökkan, her lawyers and several other women’s organizations attended the hearing.

The presiding judge intervened as the lawyers were speaking during the hearing and threatened them by saying “What I say is implemented here. Don’t go too far”.

While Nahit Eren, chair of the Amed Bar Association, and board members sought to negotiate with the court, the presiding judge said that he would not listen to them and ordered police officers to take the lawyers out. The lawyers reacting to the treatment were battered by police officers and taken out of the courtroom.

On the other hand, the audience in the courtroom prevented police officers from detaining Vedat Gökkan from Ayşe Gökkan’s family.

Her sister Mihrican Gökkan fell ill and was taken to a hospital.

Tensions are continuing in the courtroom.