Victims of 2015 Ankara massacre commemorated

The victims of the 2015 Ankara bombings were commemorated in an event held at the Train Station where the massacre took place as a result of a bomb attack.

Relatives of those who were killed and injured in the massacre attended the commemoration.

The 10 October Peace Association’s head, Mehtap Sakinci Coşkun, made a speech at the commemoration event where the slogan ‘The day will come to bring the murderers to account’ was frequently chanted. Coşkun called on all democracy and labour forces to mark the 6th anniversary of the massacre.

“The fact that there is still no monument here, the fugitive suspects have not been caught until now, the demands for punishment have been rejected, the criminal case gets nowhere, and the failure to admit the shortcomings of the state has destroyed our belief in the Turkish judicial system at the end of 6 years. We have been here for 71 months. This is long enough to understand our very clear demands,” Coşkun said.

“As people who have learned lessons from the Madımak massacre, we should do our best so that the October 10 case is not turned into another Madımak case. The first thing to do is to erect a monument to respect the memory of the victims. Our mourning needs to be visible. Unless the October 10 Massacre is clarified, the rights of the victims will remain violated,” Coşkun added.