Activists on vigil in front of the UN call for investigation into Turkey’s use of chemical gas

Every Wednesday for the past eight months, since January 24, Kurds have protested in front of the UN headquarters in Geneva against the international silence regarding the Turkish attacks on Kurdistan. The protest action was launched by the Democratic Kurdish Community in Switzerland (CDK-S) as part of the “Against isolation, occupation and genocide – time for freedom” campaign.

Today’s action began with a minute of silence in memory of 7 guerillas who lost their lives as a result of an attack by KDP forces against HPG guerrillas last week.


The co-chair of the Kurdish Community Centre, Salih Sağlam, made a speech here and stated that the Turkish state continues to commit a crime against humanity by using chemical and poisonous gas for the whole world to see as it carries out an all-out annihilation and genocide campaign against the Kurdish people.

Sağlam said that they would take initiatives in order for the UN and other international bodies to form an international delegation to investigate the use of chemical and poisonous gas by the Turkish state against humanity, nature and living beings.

Remarking that these inhumane attacks are not independent from the international conspiracy against Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Sağlam added that they will continue to take to the streets to expose the Turkish state’s annihilation and genocide attacks and the partnership of South Kurdistan’s ruling party KDP in these attacks.
