Kurdish Women’s Workshop in Amsterdam calls for struggle

A workshop of the Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (TJK-E) and the Women’s Commission of the KNK (Kurdistan National Congress) against the occupation of Kurdistan is taking place in Amsterdam. Women from all parts of Kurdistan are participating in the event. KNK Chairperson Zeynep Murad said in the welcoming speech, “We are in a very sensitive and critical time. The Turkish state is attacking our people every day. Attacks are taking place on South Kurdistan and Rojava. This is a planned genocide. The Turkish state has made a decision to this effect. What is the role of us women in the face of attacks? We can only stop the occupation attacks if we organize ourselves and fight together. At today’s workshop we want to discuss this and analyze the situation. We must show a firm stance against the occupiers.”


After the welcome, Kurdish politician in exile Tuba Hezer gave a speech in which she addressed the situation in Northern Kurdistan. Dilşah Osman, the European spokesperson for the women’s association Kongreya Star, explained that Kurdish women are known worldwide for their fight against ISIS in Rojava: “They have become a symbol and a source of inspiration. Today, too, we can only fight back against the occupiers with the united struggle of women. We must be aware of our own strength.”

Haskar Kırmızıgül, representing Jineolojî, elaborated on the history of Kurdish women’s struggle and said that women have a leading role in the revolution in Kurdistan. She said that even today, women are able to lead the struggle against occupation.
