Kongra Star: KDP responsible for fate of abducted guerrilla group

Kongra Star Coordination issued a statement regarding the Turkish state’s invasion attacks against Medya Defense Areas and Northern and Eastern Syria.

The statement said: “The invading Turkish state continues to violate the territorial integrity of Iraq. The Iraqi government does not show any reaction to the violation of its sovereignty.

Many places, including Maxmur Camp, have been bombed by the Turkish state in the last few days. The bombardment of civilian settlements caused material damage. The previous day, Katya Camp in Zakho, where Yazidi refugees are staying, was also targeted. A child was killed in the attack.”

The statement also recalled that “in July, a group of guerrillas was kidnapped by the KDP. No news has been received about the group and their fate remains unknown. The KDP is responsible for whatever happened to the abducted guerrillas. We condemn the silence of the Iraqi and Hewler governments about the attacks. To remain silent is to be a partner in crime. We call on human rights organizations to fulfil their responsibilities.”