Turkish army armoured vehicle kills boy of seven in Idil

Another child died in an accident involving an armoured vehicle belonging to the Turkish security forces. Seven-year-old Mihraç Miroğlu was hit by an armoured vehicle in the Turgut-Özal district in the northern Kurdish city of Idil on Friday evening while riding his bike down the street. He died from his injuries in the hospital.

The child was buried after an autopsy. Hundreds of people attended the funeral at the Şex Hesan cemetery, including the district leadership of the HDP.

1,900 euros for a human life

Army and police armoured vehicles usually travel at top speed through the Kurdish residential areas and settlements, often causing negligent or intentional killings of passers-by, including playing children. Most of the killings remain unpunished. The non-commissioned officer, who deliberately ran over 85-year-old Pakize Hazar in Lice, province of Amed on 14 June 2017, was initially sentenced to imprisonment for “grossly negligent homicide” but the sentence was converted into a fine of around 1,900 euros.