Euphrates Region Ecology Directorate calls for action against wildfires in Bakur

The Euphrates Region Ecology Directorate issued a statement in response to the Turkish state’s prohibition on extinguishing forest fires in Northern Kurdistan (Bakur, South-East Turkey). Rojhilat Memê, Member of the Ecology Directorate, read the statement in front of the Directorate’s headquarters in Kobanê.

The statement noted that the attacks of the invading Turkish state affected the nature and that Turkey prevented the extinguishing of the fires in the Kurdish region, especially in Bingöl, Bitlis and Şirnak.

The statement further said that olive trees are being cut down and people’s properties are being robbed in Afrin, condemning the destruction of nature and highlighting that it is a crime against humanity and the environment.

The directorate of ecology concluded their statement by urging relevant international institutions to conserve nature.