Kurds and their friends protest Turkish invasion in front of European Parliament

Masses protested against the invasion attacks of the Turkish state in Kurdistan in front of the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.

The protest action organized by the Belgian Kurdish Democratic Centre (NAV-BEL) took place at Luxembourg Square near the European Parliament (EP).

Activists from France, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium attended the protest carried out under the motto “Stop Turkish invasion! Defend Kurdistan”. Several European parliamentarians participated in the action, during which the slogan “We are all PKK members” was frequently chanted.

Parliamentarian François Alfonsi, one of the spokespersons of the EP Kurdish-Friendship Group, delivered a message of solidarity with the Kurdish people. Miguel Urban, a member of the European Parliament from the Anti-Capitalist Party in Spain, said,“I express our party’s solidarity with the Kurdish people.” Urban emphasized that they are against the Turkish army’s attacks in Kurdistan and added, “The silence of the European Parliament towards the Turkish attacks is unacceptable”.

“Enough is enough,” said Urban who urged the European Union to be a party to the solution, not the problem.

Nikolaj Villumsen, a member of the Left Group from Denmark and co-spokesperson of the Kurdish Friendship Group, also made a speech reiterating his solidarity with the Kurds.

Former president in exile of the Catalonia Region, Charles Puigdemont, former minister of Catalonia Toni Comin and Cornelia Ernst of the German Left Party also attended the action.

“We promote peace, not war. The Kurds favour peace. We will always respond to all attacks by promoting peace,” NAV-BEL Co-Chair Davut Keskin said.


PJAK co-chair Siamend Muini said, “It is important that people rise up and not surrender. This is what brings success. Kurdistan is going through a significant period. Therefore, it is necessary to remain standing and not to surrender. There are attacks from everywhere, they will be defeated through resistance.”

Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) former deputy co-chair Filiz Koçali addressed her remarks to the EP and said, “You will either be with us or with the AKP-MHP fascism”. Koçali remarked that the AKP-MHP fascism openly endorses ISIS, while the Kurds are dedicated to destroying the jihadist militant group.

Andi Fermot, from the Belgian Peace Movement, raised concern over the war and crimes against humanity committed by the Turkish state by making the protesters chant “Apo” and “Öcalan” slogans. Recalling that a hospital was bombed in Shengal last week, Fermot said that bombing a hospital is a crime against humanity. Fermot stressed that the Turkish army bombed Northern and Southern Kurdistan and Rojava, targeting civilians and committing the crime of genocide against the Kurds. He said that Europe cannot remain silent towards the crimes committed by the Turkish army and Turkish president Erdogan.

KCDK-E Co-Chair Yüksel Koç pointed out that the Kurds are currently a source of hope all over the world. Reminding the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, Koç said that Öcalan’s struggle and solution projects secured the future of the Kurdish people. “Everyone knows that a solution to the Kurdish problem and the crises in the Middle East can be achieved if Öcalan is freed.” Koç called for serious dedication to the freedom of the Kurdish leader in every field.

Koç remarked that the silence of the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and other international institutions towards the Turkish attacks means complicity in the massacres. “More than ever, we should strive for Öcalan’s freedom and status for Kurdistan.”


Speaking on behalf of the Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (TJK-E), Elif Sarıca noted that four parts of Kurdistan are under attack and women are systematically subjected to fascism. Emphasizing that Kurdish women are fighting for freedom, democracy and ecology, Sarıca remarked that the Turkish state is particularly an enemy of peace, democracy and justice. She underlined that democracy and freedom would not improve without Öcalan being free.

Asya Abdullah from Kongra Star commemorated those who sacrificed themselves for peace and freedom, and raised concern over the isolation on Öcalan, which -she said- is shameful for humanity.

“Whoever wants a peaceful solution, he/she should recognize the leader, projects and views of the Kurdish people. Isolation must be lifted,” Abdullah said.

Abdullah remarked that the Turkish state committed genocide in Kurdistan. “This is no different from what ISIS did.”

The Turkish aggression constitutes a crime against humanity and a war crime, according to Abdullah, who said that the Turkish state takes advantage of the silence of international institutions and powers. Abdullah urged the international community and all pro-peace groups to “raise their voices against it”.
