KON-MED calls for participation in actions against occupation on World Peace Day

The largest umbrella organization of the Kurdish diaspora in Germany, KON-MED, released a written statement on the occasion of 1 September, World Peace Day.

The statement said,

“Unfortunately, the 21st century is becoming a century full of chaos, conflict and violent wars. The powers of Capitalist Modernity and the policies of domination, colonialism and chaos pursued by the nation states have transformed the Middle East into a hotbed of bloody wars.

“The organized unity of the oppressed and exploited, the resistance and most importantly the unity of the Kurds in the face of massacres embodied in World War III, can turn the 21st century into a century of peace, brotherhood, freedom, democracy, and most importantly a century of the Kurds.

The Erdogan-AKP-MHP fascist regime is going through its most dangerous phase and is on the verge of collapse.

The AKP-MHP fascist genocidal regime will fall during this process. Fascism will definitely be defeated.

The time has come to stand against Turkish occupation. Let’s organize against all invading forces!

We call on the Kurdish people and all forces against fascism to participate in the activities to be held in the broadest way possible.”