The determination of the guerrillas in Werxelê

The resistance of the guerrillas in Avashin’s Werxelê against the invading Turkish army continues. Werxelê became the area where the most violent clashes and the longest resistance took place between the guerrillas – deployed both in the war tunnels and on the field – and the Turkish army. For three months, the Turkish army tried to invade that area.

The Turkish army cannot make any progress also because of the actions carried out by the guerrillas. The actions carried out within the scope of the Bazên Zagrosê Revolutionary Campaign, especially in the last 20 days, are clear proof of this.

The guerrilla units have carried out many actions since the beginning of the invasion and revealed their determination in the messages they send to their comrades with their own cameras. They provide information about the enemy they have been following for a long time until they have taken them under control. Warplanes and howitzer attacks can be heard in the guerrilla’s images. The guerrillas do not move during these explosions. They continue to send their message: We will win!