Turkish-backed mercenaries kidnap four civilians in occupied Afrin

More civilians have been kidnapped in the northern Syrian city of Afrin, which has been occupied by the Turkish army and allied mercenaries for over three years.

According to reports from the ground, the Turkish state-affiliated mercenaries “military police” have abducted four civilians, including two women, from the Ashrafiyah neighborhood of Afrin.

The abducted civilians have been identified as Rojîn Enyat from the Xalta village of Jindires district, Melek from Jindires, Hozan Eziz and Ebû Mûsa from the Korika village of Mabata district.

No information was immediately available on the aftermath of the abducted civilians.

A terror regime has been established in Afrin, which has been under Turkish occupation since March 2018. Crimes such as kidnapping, execution, torture, looting, and forced displacement have become daily routine in the city.

According to Afrin Human Rights Organization Spokesperson İbrahim Şêxo, at least thirty-seven civilians were kidnapped in July. Şêxo stated that the demographic structure in Afrin continues to be changed, adding that twenty-one houses and workplaces were confiscated for various reasons last month. Şêxo also pointed out that people who take charge of their relatives’ lands are not allowed to plough. Furthermore, agricultural products and olive trees have been confiscated in nearly thirty villages.