Hunger strikes in prison continue on day 271

An indefinite and alternate hunger strike was launched by PKK and PJAK prisoners in Turkey on 27 November demanding the end of the continued isolation of Abdullah Öcalan who has been held in Imralı Prison Island for 21 years, and ever-increasing rights violations in prisons. The protest entered its 271st day, carried out by the 49th group of prisoners.

A solidarity hunger strike was launched in Maxmur refugee camp and it is now on day 250. The solidarity hunger strike in Greece has reached day 233.

Hunger strike in Maxmur on day 250

On 18 December, a solidarity hunger strike was launched by women in Maxmur Camp in South Kurdistan. The hunger strike is being carried out at Maxmur Martyrs’ Families Association and it’s on its 250th day.

233 days of hunger strike in Greece

An indefinite-alternating hunger strike was launched in Lavrio Camp, in Greece, to protest the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan and in support of the prisoners in Turkey. The hunger strike in the camp, on day 233, is led by the Revolutionary Youth Movement (TCŞ-Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger), the Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (Tevgera Jinên Kurdistan a Ewropa) and Navenda Çanda Kurdistan (Kurdish Cultural Center).