Yasti and El Heye Assemblies condemn Turkish state’s invasion attacks

Yasti and El Heye Assemblies, located in the east of Manbij, made a statement about the Turkish state’s invasion attacks against Shengal and Northern and Eastern Syria. Many people attended the press statement made in front of the El Heye Assembly. The text of the statement was read by Ebdulbasît Şiwêx, co-chair of the Yasti Assembly.

The statement said: “The invading Turkish state killed civilians in a hospital in Shengal in front of the whole world. We condemn the killing aimed at completing the massacre carried out by ISIS in Shengal. The Turkish state, which cannot break the will of the people, uses all kinds of dirty methods to achieve its goals. The Turkish state is using ISIS methods and ignores international law. But there is something the invaders forgot. These people forced the world’s most brutal mercenaries out of these lands. We will not allow any invader to set foot on these lands.

From here, we call on the international community to take a stance against these attacks. Otherwise, the terror destroyed by the peoples will be revived by the Turkish state. This will be a threat to the whole world.”