YPJ fighter Berîvan Kurdistan: People in South Kurdistan should reject the Turkish-KDP policy

The Turkish state, which wants to expand the occupation area in Bashure Kurdistan and realize its genocide plans, continues its attacks with the support of the KDP.

Bêrîvan Kurdistan, a YPJ fighter from South Kurdistan, who joined the ranks of the YPJ in 2016, pointed out that the KDP and the Turkish state wanted to break up the Kurdish unity and invade South Kurdistan. “The Turkish state and the KDP are carrying out a dirty policy in South Kurdistan.”

She added: “The KDP, known for its betrayals in history, is repeating itself once again today, helping the Turkish state to occupy South Kurdistan. The KDP, which wants to separate South Kurdistan from Kurdistan, is collaborating with the Turkish state saying that it is liberating and making Kurdistan independent.”

Drawing attention to the occupation of Serêkaniyê, Girê Spî and Afrin, Berîvan Kurdistan said: “The attacks of the Turkish state and KDP are causing great harm to the nature and people. Just as Serêkaniyê, Girê Spî and Afrin are occupied, burned and destroyed by the Turkish state today, Bashur Kurdistan faces the same destruction and plunder. The KDP and the Turkish have either agreed on sharing the wealth of the region or the KDP sold Bashur Kurdistan to the Turkish occupation.”

Berîvan Kurdistan called on the people of Bashur Kurdistan to rise up and resist against the KDP and the Turkish state. “My call is for the people of Bashur, especially women and young people. Do not fall under the influence of the policy currently carried out. We must fight and resist the occupation. Bashure Kurdistan is known for its rebellion, let’s turn history back to the uprising tradition of our lands. People should resist the policy of genocide and occupation.”