Thousands join the “Time for Freedom” rally in Siirt

“Time for freedom”: under this slogan, the HDP travels through North Kurdistan and Turkey together with its sister party DBP (Democratic Region party), the women’s movement TJA and the civil society umbrella organization DTK (Democratic Society Congress). Today’s station was a rally in the provincial capital Siirt attended by thousands of people.

DBP chair Saliha Aydeniz greeted those present and said: “It is important that you fill the squares and show your spirit of resistance. I greet the people of Botan a thousandfold. Abdullah Öcalan must be released for a dignified peace and a free society. Turkey’s judiciary is making a fool of itself around the world. In disregard of Turkey’s own laws, Abdullah Öcalan is isolated in a very heavy form. The Kurdish people fight for their language, their existence and their freedom. Anyone who does politics in Kurdistan should know that these people do not need anyone and has repeatedly made it clear that Abdullah Öcalan must be released. We hear this demand everywhere we go.”

Saliha Aydeniz condemned the Turkish air strikes on Shengal and said that there is massive resistance to “the dirty plans of the capitalist states” everywhere in Kurdistan. This struggle must be strengthened by a common stance of all Kurdish forces. “Our people will continue to take to the streets every day for their freedom. We will never accept an enslaved life without status.”