Kurdistan Alliance Work calls on international community to condemn Turkish attacks against Shengal

The Kurdistan Alliance Work condemned the attack of the invading Turkish state warplanes on Shengal in a written statement which said that the bombing of hospitals and civilian settlements is a crime. “We call on the international community, especially the United Nations, to take a stand against this attack and condemn it. This attack is an open and direct violation of the sovereignty of the Kurdistan Regional Government.”

Emphasizing that the attacks were not without the knowledge of the Federal Iraqi government, the statement added: “Iraq should call on the Turkish government to respect the will of the Shengal people and the status of Kurdistan. The Kazimi government is pursuing a different version of its arabization policy in Kirkuk and other Kurdish cities, using the cooperation with the Turkish government in Shengal. We call on the Iraqi Federal Government to take a stand against these attacks that violate its airspace. We call on Turkey to officially recognize the gains in parts of Kurdistan, which will be the bridge of peace and relations with the Middle East. We call on our people and the international community to show solidarity with the people of Shengal, who are trying to heal the wounds of the genocide carried out by ISIS against our Yazidi Kurdish people. We call on the Kurdish political parties to be prepared for possible scenarios by focusing on the developments in the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Autonomous Rojava, and with the National Alliance, taking into account what has happened and will happen in Afghanistan.”