Guerrilla Êrîş Serhed: The area is under the control of the guerrillas

Since 23 April, the Turkish army has been trying with great display of technology to occupy the southern Kurdish Medya Defense Areas of Zap, Avaşîn and Metîna. However, the guerrillas are putting up bitter resistance and the invasion, which according to Turkish plans should be completed in a week, has been stuck for more than three months. One of the defenders of the region is the HPG guerrilla Êriş Serhed.

“The soldiers lack the determination to fight the guerrillas”

In an interview with the ANF, guerrilla Serhed described the military developments in the region and said: “The Turkish state used its propaganda to spread in the media that it would penetrate the Medya Defense Areas within a few days, but that did not happen. The Turkish state is unable to use its military technology and its weapons to counter the guerrillas. The military now only fights with technology. It relies on drones and fighter jets. The soldiers lack the determination to fight the guerrillas. Despite all the artillery attacks and bombings, the Kurdish freedom guerrillas continue to fight the enemy and repel its attacks. The Turkish state regards itself as a member of NATO with a large army. We as guerrillas fight against them and repeatedly carry out successful actions with new creative methods and tactics. The Turkish state wants to destroy the Kurdish people by destroying the guerrillas. But we will fight the invasion to the last drop of blood.”

“We have the experience of inflicting defeats on the Turkish state everywhere”

Êriş Serhed continued: “The resistance in Avaşîn, Metîna and Zap shows once again the importance of the war on Mam Reşo, Çîlo, Kelha Bedewê and Şehîd Serdar. The invasion operation has been going on for more than three months. The Turkish army wanted to march into the area, station their troops and position them in strategic places. But they couldn’t achieve their goal. The commanders of the People’s Defense Forces HPG and the guerrillas no longer fight in the classic style. We fight as modern guerrillas of the 21st century. As guerrillas, we confront the enemy everywhere and fight them back. We have experience of defeating the enemy in all areas. The guerrilla actions are proof of this. The Turkish state tries to hide this, but people see it. The Turkish state does not even make the numbers of its dead and wounded public. It doesn’t accept defeat. The war propaganda and psychological warfare of the Turkish state against the guerrillas are based entirely on lies. The region is under our control and the initiative is ours. The initiative of war is in our hands. We can move and fight whenever we want. We hit the enemy in a weak moment. It is not possible for it to move into the Medya Defense Areas so easily.”

“The enemy is trapped in fear and terror”

In particular, the land and nature of the region favour the guerrillas, said Serhed and explained: “Guerrillas are one with nature. But the enemy cannot use this landscape for himself, no matter how long he stays. He came to occupy Kurdistan, but this country is our country. Without his reconnaissance planes, the enemy cannot take a step here. It’s not easy for them to get in here because every tree and stone is a guerrilla fighter for them. They are trapped in fear and terror. We began with the resistance in Mam Reşo under the leadership of Şehîd Serhed Giravî, Andok, Sarya and Rûken. Gare’s resistance was already a big step. And in Zap, the resistance of comrades Bawer, Delal and Egîd Batman became a symbol for us. At the same time, the friends who fell in Metîna have also become our symbols. We have come this far because of our brave fallen comrades, and we are proud of them. They are a source of strength and morality for us. We fight to avenge them. As Kurdistan’s freedom guerrillas, we are determined to defeat the Turkish state. We have this determination and this strength. We have reached the final stage of victory. There is a truth that we are convinced of. Practice has shown that we will definitely be successful. We will make 2021 the year in which we will free Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan], our oppressed people and our comrades from inside the prisons. The war we are waging today will be the message of the Kurdish revolution. The victory is ours. On this basis, we wish all our friends all success.”