Turkey uses water to put economic pressure on the Autonomous Administration

The invading Turkish state continues to use water as a tool of war against the people of the region, after all the invasion plans in the Northern and Eastern Syria regions were foiled. The invaders, who use water to put economic pressure on the Autonomous Administration, mostly target the Alouk Water Station and the Euphrates River.

Hesen Mistefa, Member of the Presidency of the Raqqa Civil Council, told ANHA that the bombardments against the region and the use of water as a tool of war are not new, and that the Turkish state has resorted to such methods before.

Mistefa pointed out that the invading Turkish state has built many dams on the rivers they shared in the past 20 years, and added that the Turkish state wants to make the economy of Syria collapse by cutting off the water of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Mistefa reminded of the South-East Anatolia project consisting of approximately 19 dams and 14 power plants and said: “The Turkish state built this project on the Euphrates River. This project reveals its hostile intentions towards the Syrian people. But also the conscious plan of the Turkish government. We are trying to show these inhuman crimes to the whole world and international organizations. Because these crimes are against all laws on international rivers.”

Mistefa added: “Hesekê gets its drinking water from Alouk station. The mercenaries affiliated to the Turkish state cut off the water and use it as a tool of war against the people of the region.”