Turkish state and its mercenaries kidnap two Afrin civilians in Ezaz and Idlib

According to the information provided by sources in occupied Afrin Canton, the Turkish state-linked Tehrîr Al-Sham mercenaries kidnapped two civilians.

It was stated that Ebdulqadir Ebdulnasir was abducted while he was trying to cross into Turkey via Idlib. It was also stated that Ebdulqadir Ebdulnasir paid the mercenaries to pass through the region safely.

The other person abducted by the mercenaries was a civilian named Lutfi Mistefa Umer (37) living in the village of Ikidam in Shera.

According to the information received, the mercenaries promised that Lutfi Mistefa Umer would not be arrested either.

No information was available about the fate of the two abducted persons.