HPG announces identities of the three missing guerrillas

On July 26, 2021, a three-member guerrilla group was attacked by KDP forces near the town of Xelîfan. Since then, the unit’s contact with the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) has been severed. Despite demands by the HPG and the relatives of the missing, the KDP has not yet issued any statement on the whereabouts of the three fighters. The HPG’s press center has now published the personal data and biographies of the missing guerrillas:

Nom de Guerre: Serwer Serhat

First-Last Name: Erdal Aslan

Birthplace: Erzurum

Names of Mother and Father: Zahide – Seyitxan

Nom de Guerre: Wargeş Çavreş

First-Last Name: Ayhan Tatlı

Birthplace: Şirnak

Names of Mother and Father: Heyiç – Süleyman

Nom de Guerre: Dijwar Berxwedan

First-Last Name: Mahmut Xelef

Birthplace: Hesekê

Names of Mother and Father: Ros Xelîl – Hesen Xelef


Serwer Serhat


The HPG reported the following on the biographies of the three missing guerrillas: “Our comrade Serwer Serhat was born into a patriotic family in the Karaçoban district of Erzurum. Serwer learned about the Kurdistan freedom struggle in his childhood and grew up with patriotic feelings. It sought ways to participate in the struggle at a young age. He joined the guerrilla in 2005, at a time when Kurdistan’s youth flocked to the guerrillas in the ‘Human Shields’ campaign. He was active from Xakurkê to Qandil, from Xinêre to Zap as a guerrilla fighter in many parts of the Medya Defense Zones. In practice, he gained experience and developed his personality. With his deep feelings of patriotism, he was determined to fight in every region of Kurdistan and overcome all kinds of difficulties for success. He was trained in the party’s schools and made it a principle to be a staunch militant of the Apoist line.


In 2010, he went to the Garzan region in northern Kurdistan. He fought there for eight years without a break. He was active in all areas of Garzan with the greatest fighting spirit and fulfilled his duties as a commander at every level. In Garzan, he fought face to face with the enemy many times. Each time he succeeded in inflicting heavy blows on the occupiers, because he knew how to achieve successful results. He led many of the actions that took place in Garzan. No obstacles or difficulties he faced could stop his march for freedom, and even in the most difficult moments he never compromised his Apoist principles. In the middle of winter, he stayed in the snow and cold for days, his feet burning, but he did not give up and continued his struggle, sharpening his will even more. After returning from Garzan practice full of experience, he trained at the military academy to share those experiences with his comrades. After his training, he moved to the Xakurke Area Command, where he successfully fulfilled his role as a pioneering Apoist commander and became the organizer of many actions that dealt heavy blows to the invaders. He was subsequently appointed area commander. When he was about to reach his new location, he was attacked by KDP units in the vicinity of the village of Bêxme. Since then, all communication with him from our side has been severed.

Wargeş Çavreş


Our comrade Wargeş Çavreş was born in Şırnak as a member of the Sorî tribe, one of the patriotic tribes of Kurdistan. He grew up in a nomadic family with a record of martyrdom. Therefore, his personality was formed by patriotic feelings. In his childhood, he witnessed the oppression and persecution by the enemy and kept waiting at the gates of Turkish dungeons to see his family members. These images and feelings were indelible memories in the mind of comrade Wargeş, but his heart was also full of rage against the fascist Turkish regime. In 2012, inspired by the revolutionary people’s war and effective revolutionary operations in Kurdistan, he decided to join the guerrillas in the Besta region of Botan. Due to his natural life as a nomad in the mountains, he had a great advantage and quickly became one with the guerrilla life without any difficulties. He received military training in Besta and began his guerrilla practice there. Comrade Wargeş, who was deeply influenced by the comradeliness within the PKK and the guerrilla life, has always tried to live up to this life. As part of the 2013 retreat, he went to the Medya Defense Zones. With his training at the Military Academy, he prepared himself for the guerrilla practice of the new age. He participated in all tasks with utmost sacrifice and commitment. When he was on his way to another operational area, there was an attack by the KDP, and to him, as well as to comrade Serwer, the connection broke off.

Dijwar Berxwedan


Our comrade Dijwar Berxwedan was born in Hesekê, West Kurdistan (Rojava). From the beginning, he experienced the reactionary policies of the Ba’ath regime, which disregarded the Kurds. With the revolution of Rojava, he joined the freedom fighters there. As an upright young Kurd, he was convinced that it was necessary to fight for the peoples of Syria. Comraade Dijwar, who played an active role in defeating ISIS fascism in northeastern Syria and liberating many areas, had always dreamed of going to the mountains of Kurdistan. So he realized this dream and reached the free mountains of Kurdistan in 2017 and learned about a whole new life. He experienced the joy and happiness of leaving capitalist modernity and got to know himself better in nature and through the natural life in the PKK. He was trained at the military academy and passed on his experience to his comrades in the fight against ISIS. At the same time, he became a mature militant of the PKK who had absorbed the experience of decades of guerrilla struggle. Comrade Dijwar, who fulfilled his duty with great enthusiasm and determination, was attacked by the KDP together with his comrades on July 26, 2021. Since then, the connection with him and the others has been severed.”
