PKK Committee urges people to enhance the struggle for honor

The PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) Committee of Solidarity with Martyrs’ Families issued a written statement regarding the delivery of the body of guerrilla Mahsum Aslan, who was killed in a Turkish state air raid in the Red Mountain region of Dersim in 2018, from Erzincan to Ergani by cargo.

The committee’s statement is as follows:

“In the reality of the PKK, martyrdom represents the integrity of ideas, philosophy, thought, and ideology. Martyrdom in the PKK is the re-creation of the purest and most holy life. The oppressed peoples’ thirst for independence and claim is also expressed in their unique line of resistance against the sovereigns.

In this truth, Egîd and the Kurdish warriors are always fighting a one-of-a-kind battle in the country’s highlands for the past and the free future of a people who are in the grasp of genocide and carrying it to the top. The guerrillas are delivering hard strikes to the enemy all over the place. Our people should be aware that AKP-MHP fascism is falling and that it always targets our people’s graves because it cannot accept this collapse.

Fascism always makes our martyrs’ bodies their special war plan for their nasty politics; they keep doing this for years and deliver the remains to our beloved families by cargo.

They first did this with our comrade Egîd İpek. Despite the fact that Mahsum Aslan’s family provided DNA samples, they applied three years later and sent the remains by courier. In no religion have people ever been subjected to such cruelty. The massacres and catastrophes that have befallen our people are not just related to the Konya incident. Our two friends are from Amed and were both martyred in Dersim. All people who stand for freedom, especially those in Dersim and Amed, should be aware of the fact that this is not an ordinary occurrence. They wish to inflict great anguish on our people’s past and future. If such an injunction has yet to be realized, it is due to the guerrillas’ years of struggle and valor.

The bodies of the martyrs who battled for our people’s freedom are sometimes transported by cargo, but most of the time they are removed from their graves and sent to unknown locations. It should be clear that such immoral, cruel activities of the genocidal, murderous, anti-Kurdish Turkish state against our people’s most sacred values, namely our brave victims, are not unrelated to the heavy isolation imposed on the Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan) and the fascist onslaught against our people. This should not be accepted and should not be taken lightly. If our people declare that “our heroic youth are our yesterday, today, and tomorrow,” then they should transform every area into a scene of resistance. To protect our martyrs is to protect our people’s past and future.

In the person of our comrade Mahsum Aslan’s family, we extend our condolences to all the families of martyrs and our patriotic people, and we promise to carry their struggle to freedom and triumph as their comrades.

At a young age, our comrade Mahsum, codenamed Firaz Paramaz, accomplished his tasks with remarkable heroism for his people’s independence battle.

Within the framework of the PKK Martyrs’ Studies Committee’s demand to ‘guard our honor,’ we urge all of our people to strengthen their fight to defend our honor in the face of these disgraceful policies.”