TEV-DEM calls on people to increase the struggle against racist attacks

On 30 July, a racist mob attacked the Dedeoğulları family living in the neighbourhood of Hasanköy in Meram, in the province of Konya. The seven members of the family were killed. 

Members of the Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) expressed their condemnation of the racist attack against the Kurdish family.

Ayid Ibrahim, member of TEV-DEM Council, told ANHA that there have been countless massacres in the history of the Turkish state and added: “Unfortunately, the murderous policies of the Turkish state are the cause of such racist attacks. When we have a look at the history of the Turkish state, we see it is full of massacres against the Kurdish, Armenian, Arabian and Syriac peoples. These racist groups, loyal to Erdogan carried out a brutal and fascist attack against this Kurdish family in Konya. The AKP-MHP alliance has implemented a racist and hostile policy against the Kurdish people. They never intend to allow the Kurds to lead a free life and achieve their rights. They want the Kurds to accept slavery.”

‘All problems are coming from isolation’

Ibrahim continued: “Through these attacks, Erdogan leads Turkey into a vicious war and great crisis. Erdogan’s latest crimes are the consequence of the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. They wanted to silence the voice and the demands for freedom, equality and fraternity of peoples. They have been imposing an isolation on leader Öcalan for a long while. They don’t allow the family and lawyers to visit him.”

‘Unite and step up your struggle’

Ibrahim called on the peoples of Turkey and Kurdistan to unite and step up the struggle against racism. Remarking that AKP-MHP bloc, through its dirty policies, aims at frightening the Kurdish people and all those defending democracy and freedom, Ibrahim added: “The racists attacked a Kurdish family in Konya but they may target an Armenian family tomorrow and a Turkish family the day after tomorrow. The peoples of Turkey and the Kurds should unite and increase the struggle against Erdogan’s political power. We, as Rojava people and civil society organisations, call on human rights organisations and all freedom defenders to take action to prevent new massacres.”

‘They aim to eliminate the peoples’ will’

Pointing out the annihilation policies of the Turkish state against Kurdistan, Taz Başa, from TEV-DEM Women’s Office said: “Turkey attacks our history, cities, trees and environment. It carries out dirty plans in our country and attacks the guerrillas in South Kurdistan. We should struggle to frustrate the Turkish state’s plans. Because the fascist Turkish state aims to break the willpower of Kurdish people in all four parts of Kurdistan.”

‘They target all Kurdish women’

Taz Başa noted that women set the basis of society and, therefore, they are targeted. She added: “Women should stand against the invasion and should never surrender to the enemy. On the contrary, they should strengthen their willpower. All women in Kurdistan are a target. We, as Kurds, should avoid dealing with only one part of Kurdistan.  Women in all four parts of Kurdistan, especially the ones struggling for freedom, have been targeted by the enemy. One of the most recent examples is the murder of Deniz Poyraz [in Izmir]. The prisons of the enemy have been full of Kurdish women fighting for freedom and peace.”

‘Unity is the best answer to invasion attacks’

Underlining that the Kurdish people should unite against the fascism of the Turkish state and forget their disagreements, Başa added: “The Turkish state targets all Kurds and their achievements. The enemies immediately unite when they have to attack the Kurds. Therefore, the Kurdish people should unite.”

Taz Başa called on all Kurds to be cautious and conscious against the fascist and invading Turkish state and to raise their voice against the invasion all together. “We need to unite our strength. People should unite and call on Kurdish political parties, intellectuals, writers and democrats to take to the streets. Because we are facing a great danger. Today, we need to unite more than ever.”