Pervin Buldan: We are the HDP, we are everywhere!

Thousands of people took part in a rally of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in Istanbul’s Esenyurt district on Sunday. The event was held as part of the “We are the HDP, we are everywhere” campaign. HDP Co-Chairwoman Pervin Buldan was welcomed by the crowd with the slogan “HDP is the people and the people are here” in the square.

Buldan said in her speech that the sight of the numerous people made her proud: “Thousands of people say here in this square: we have not collapsed, we are upright on our feet. This sight, this enthusiasm and determination are an indication that the HDP cannot be closed. As long as we continue to stand tall on our feet, neither the ban nor the Kobanê trial will be of any use.”


Buldan sent “a thousand greetings to Selahattin Demirtaş, Figen Yüksekdağ, İdris Baluken, Gültan Kışanak, Sebahat Tuncel and hundreds of other friends who are currently being held hostage in prisons,” and said that the rally was just one of many meetings that have been held by the HDP in villages and towns for months: “Wherever people are oppressed, the HDP is by the side of the people.”

The country is currently experiencing severe crises, Buldan continued, “We are in a time of disasters. In addition to the economic, social and political crises, there are floods, forest fires and racist attacks and massacres. We extend our recovery wishes to all those affected by the floods in Van and the Black Sea region. In Manavgat and everywhere in Turkey, the forests are burning, people have died. It is imperative to clarify who is responsible for these fires.”

The Erdogan government is even trying to profit from natural disasters, Buldan further explained: “It has created an atmosphere in this country where people look at each other with hatred.” With their polarizing policies and hate speech, she said, the ground is being prepared for racist attacks like the one in Konya. “All those in this country who see the Kurds as enemies and want to exclude the HDP from politics should know that the Kurds are not alone. No one should forget that it is not just about the HDP anymore. The issue is not just about the Kurds. Those who stand up for democracy, peace and justice must stand united against these attacks. We invite everyone to walk shoulder to shoulder with the HDP. Our path is not far. We continue our path to form the government in the next elections and make Selahattin Demirtaş the president of the state.”
