KCDK-E calls on the KDP to stop cooperation with Turkey

The European Kurdish Democratic Societies Congress (KCDK-E) released a statement calling on South Kurdistan’s ruling party KDP to stop cooperation with Turkey and make a convincing statement about the guerrilla group with whom contact has been lost.

The statement published by the KCDK-E Coordination on Sunday includes the following:

“The racist, fascist, occupying and colonist Turkish state’s concept of subjecting the Kurds to genocide has been exposed once again by its occupation and violent attacks in four parts of Kurdistan. The brutal murder of a Kurdish family in the Turkish province of Konya is the latest example in this regard.

The fact that some Kurdish forces fail to see the Turkish state’s genocidal policy, although it is quite open and concrete, and that they even support this policy, is the most desperate situation to be experienced during this genocide process. It is undoubtedly the KDP that provides all kinds of support for the Turkish state’s genocidal policy and takes the lead in its implementation. The KDP has thus become the force providing the most support to Turkey’s genocidal campaign.

The most concrete instance in this regard is the KDP’s effort to besiege -even before the Turkish state- the region where the guerrillas have been putting up a fierce struggle against colonialism for nearly 40 years.

It seems that the KDP officials do not pay heed to the related statements made by the KCK and HPG, and they still maintain their strong cooperation with the Turkish state.

We would like to underline the importance of the HPG’s announcement that three guerrillas named Serwer, Dijwar and Berxwedan were attacked in the region of Xelifan, and the HPG’s call for a statement from the KDP on the mentioned group of guerrillas with whom contact has been lost since.

As the Kurds and their friends living in Europe, we call on the KDP to stop cooperation with Turkey and make a convincing statement about the guerrilla group in question. In all our actions and activities, our approach towards the KDP will remain critical and we will enter a phase of exposing it in every field unless it makes a credible statement.”