Second day of the International Kurdish Conference in Cologne

The International Kurdish Conference started in Cologne got together International revolutionaries, feminists and ecologists, for the 3rd International Kurdistan Conference.

The conference started on Saturday morning with a minute’s silence. After the opening speech, discussions were held on the organization and the program of action planned for the future. Topics such as regional network meetings and culture were discussed.

The conference was attended by 180 people, including Kurdish woman politician Nilüfer Koç, journalist Ferda Çetin, Die Linke Essen Councillor Ciwan Akbulut, Defend Kurdistan Initiative, Riseup4rojava, Womend Defend Rojava, Make Rojava Green Again, Feminist and ecological movements, left press organizations. Kurdish media like Kurdistan Report and ANF also attended the conference.

On the first day of the conference, activists discussed what to do in Kurdistan with the spirit of collective work and solidarity as well as the dimension of resistance. There was an evaluation of the political situation and organizations in Kurdistan, the political developments in the Middle East, Germany and around the world. Activists also talked about the campaigns, actions and solidarity plans for the future.

Today’s session is called “How to establish the Democratic Confederalism Initiative and how we can build the Democratic Confederalism paradigm” and will address issues such as the goal of democratic confederalism, its values, what has been done so far, how to establish the communes, basic organization, ecology, history of resistance, femicides.
