PYD condemns the racist massacre of Kurdish family in Turkey

The Democratic Union Party (PYD) has released a statement about the massacre of 7 members of the Kurdish Dedeoğulları family on Friday in the Turkish province of Konya, in central Anatolia.

The statement by PYD General Assembly includes the following:

“The murder of 7 members of a Kurdish family before the eyes of security forces is a barbaric massacre and a manifestation of the nationalism and racism that have been on the rise since Erdoğan came to power, since when racist policies have been implemented against the Kurdish people.

This is not the first nor the last crime against humanity committed by persons from Erdoğan’s mafia. The crimes against Kurdish civilians are a consequence of the racist mindset that has prevailed in Turkey for a century. We call on the international community and human rights organizations to fulfil their responsibility against the crimes committed by the Turkish regime against the Kurds and other peoples.

We will fight to the end against the Turkish regime’s policies seeking to subject the Kurdish people to genocide and migration.”