DBP co-chair Bayındır: Racist attacks and massacres connected to AKP-MHP policies against Kurds

Racist massacres and attacks against Kurds continue. The pain of Deniz Poyraz, who was killed in Izmir HDP Provincial Organization last month, was still fresh but racist killing attempts were made against Kurds in Afyon, Konya, Marmaris and Ankara last week.

The Dedeoğulları family was attacked by a mob of AKP-MHP fascists on 22 May, but on Friday evening they were murdered by the same group. 7 people, including 3 women, died in the massacre. The corpses of the family, who were shot and killed by guns, were then burned by the fascist mob.

Democratic Regions Party (DBP) co-chair Keskin Bayındır spoke about the recent racist killing attempts against Kurds.

Bayındır said that the reflection of racist and fascist rhetoric in practice is due to the non resolution of the Kurdish question. He said that in recent years there has been a surge in racism which has characterised the AKP government. Bayındır added that this surge is connected to the government’s discourse of war against the Kurdish people.

Attacks on Kurds are connected to the policies of the government

“We see that sometimes the result of this dominating discourse is massacres, displacement, oppression and violence. All of these are directly related to the policies of the AKP-MHP government. There is a reality of a government that divides society and builds its language and politics on it,” said Bayındır, adding that these policies of the government triggered the killing in Izmir as well as the massacres in Afyon, Konya, Ankara and Marmaris.

Emphasizing that in the current legal order, the judicial system should work to prevent these massacre attempts and racist attacks, Bayındır said: “However, the AKP-MHP government has brought the state institutions and the judiciary to the point that they are actually ignoring these racist policies and turning them into individual and personal issues. The judiciary has also become a part of these massacres. Today, not only Kurds, but all opposition and democracy forces should make an effort to bring the institutions that should be responsible for the prevention of these practices to the required level. Otherwise, racist attacks that are so systematically provoked may reach points that none of us can predict in the near future. If there had been strong objections from different circles outside of the Kurdish political movement condemning the killing that took place in Izmir yesterday, we would not have experienced the massacre in Konya today.”