European parties condemn Konya massacre

Parties and parliamentarians from Europe condemned the horrendous racist murder of a Kurdish family of 7 in Konya. 

Ohiana Extebarrieta, EH Bildu MP in the Basque Parliament wrote on Twitter: “We would like to express our condolences and support to the Kurdish people once again. You have the solidarity of the members of EH Bildu.”

Her party’s colleague and Senator in Madrid Parliament, Gorka Elejabarrieta added: “Turkey must be held responsible for the ongoing attacks against kurds and minorities.”

Socialist party MEP Nacho Sanchéz Amor wrote: “It’s probably difficult to avoid one first isolated xenophobic attack, but being unable to avoid the same people to attack again and to kill the same Kurdish family in the same place is an unforgivable failure of the police, prosecutors and judges.”

Amor was echoed by Galizia MEP Ana Miranda who also expressed condolences to the HDP and the Kurdish people.