A guerrilla from Rojhilat in the Bazên Zagrosê Campaign

It is not in vain that the guerrilla operation initiated in the Zagros region in early April is called Bazên Zagrosê (Hawks of Zagros). The character of the guerrillas who would make this move and lead this battle to victory inspired this title. At the same time, there was an order to carry out the actions in the style of the ‘hawk shot,’ as Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan expressed it in his military perspectives. But most of all, this name was a glorification of the guerrillas who have been fighting in Zagros for years. Hawks live at high tops, fly on cliffs and make their nests on mountain peaks. Just like the guerrillas who blend in with these majestic mountain peaks. Just like Adıl…

Adil Çekdar is a young guerrilla from Rojhilat (East Kurdistan, Iran) who reached Avaşin province in the fall of 2020. He was born in Serdeşt and, influenced by family members who were martyred in Kurdistan’s mountains, he chose the path of struggle. Adil, who had been engaged in different areas and activities in Kurdistan before shifting to Avaşin province, went to Girê Sor, one of the most difficult areas of Avaşin region, after his sabotage training. He always said that no matter how many years he had been in the guerrilla, Girê Sor was the first time he felt the guerrilla so deeply that if one was to be a guerrilla, he had to be a guerrilla in heights. As a result, during his time in Avaşin, he lived and struggled at high altitudes, particularly on the Girê Sor and Kartal hills.


Adil lived with the glory of being at the highest level. The meaning and the credo of revolutionism reached their power and seriousness at these lofty heights. He was always solemn, full of meaning in his works, life, and every word. That was something his close friends were always curious about. How can a guerilla take everything so seriously? It was the secret that the Supremes had given him. It reflected the Apoist seriousness and comradely warmth in Adil’s heart and mind in the Zagros. Adil was the one who always started with the most difficult tasks, lifted the heaviest loads, and walked the most. Now was the time to fight the most ferociously.

Just like he was a pioneer in life, he also knew how to be a daring and courageous guerrilla in the war that began on April 23 in Avaşin. You couldn’t imagine Adil refusing any mission, war, or any action that would benefit his comrades. Therefore, on May 10, while going to deliver a blow against the invading forces who were attempting to position themselves in the Mam Resho region, Guerilla Adıl felt no concern or reluctance. He was the first to carry his backpack and the first to put his gun on his shoulder.


A few days before the operation, the guerrilla Adil had stated his faith and determination as follows: “When I arrived in Avaşin region after training, the winter season had begun. This was a chance for us to concentrate on our work. The spring and summer seasons are now upon us. We’re going to practice. Our goal is to defeat the enemy by 2021. It is not to weaken, but to completely defeat it. With our branches, we will overthrow the enemy’s strategy. I’m also working hard to make this year a triumphant one. With the actions we will take, we hope to strike a blow to the enemy. The enemy chose a wrong path and ended up in the Zagros. They will undoubtedly be regretful that they came. Just as they were in Garê, they will certainly be defeated here as well.”

Adil Ekdar, who set out with his comrades Bahoz Rojhat, Agir Arnos, Canpolat Mosul, Sidar Amed, and Mahir Amed with this assertion and dedication, witnessed the Turkish army’s bombardments on the road to Mam Reşo on May 11, 2021. The guerrilla Adil had a wisdom far beyond his young age with his life, courage, Rojhilati personality, comradeship, and war… Now, every action that has been taken in retaliation for him and his comrades who became martyrs along with him, and every blow to the Turkish army in Avaşin, serve to be Adil’s successor, to share in his glory of life and war…