Muna Xelef: “Turkey employs Syrian mercenaries to achieve its own purposes”

The invading Turkish state continues to employ Syrian mercenaries in wars outside Syria. After Libya, Yemen and Azerbaijan, the Turkish state demanded that 300 “Syrian National Army” mercenaries be prepared to go to Afghanistan [to control Kabul airport after the US troops withdraw]. This decision was made after a meeting of the armed group commanders of the Syrian opposition in the region of Hewar Kilis in the countryside of Aleppo.

Muna Xelef, Director of the Women’s Bureau of the Syrian Democratic National Alliance Party, said that the Turkish state has been carrying out a policy of spreading the occupation to neighbouring countries since the beginning of the Arab Spring and added: “We have seen this in Syria. Turkey has occupied many areas on the border, saying that it has to defend its national security.”

Referring to the Turkish state’s policy towards the region, Muna Xelef said: “Turkey crossed borders, reached Libya and Azerbaijan, and carried out a military action there without losing a soldier. Because it is using Syrian mercenaries in exchange for money to achieve its own purpose.”

Talking about the next withdrawal of the US and NATO from Afghanistan, Muna Xelef said: “The aim of the Turkish state is to get concessions about some of its issues with the US – such as Idlib and the S-400 missile system – which is the cause of disagreement between the US and Russia from NATO members.”

Xelef added: “Turkey wants to get rid of the mercenaries in Idlib and other places it has occupied. That’s why it employs them in its own wars. It opened security agencies to ensure the mercenaries could reach Afghanistan.”

Xelef said that the US and the coalition aimed at dragging Turkey into a protracted war in Afghanistan and added: “The coalition states have been in Afghanistan for 20 years. They failed to achieve any success against the Taliban movement. The Taliban movement warned every military force on its territory and defined the presence of another force on its territory as an occupation.”

Xelef said that Turkey’s invasion attempts should end in order to ensure peace and stability in the world.