Kurds protest in front of US consulate in Berlin against Turkish invasion

Hundreds of activists gathered in front of the U.S consulate in Berlin following a call by KON-MED, the largest umbrella organization of the Kurdish diaspora in Germany.

The activists who protested the invasion attacks of the Turkish state against Zap, Avaşin and Metina regions carried banners that read “America, do not be a part of the occupation”, “No pasaran for Dictator Erdogan, time has come for Öcalan’s Freedom!” and “Stand up together against fascism and occupation, defend Kurdistan together”.

Some activists wore “burial shrouds” with bloody hands on them to describe the genocide.

“We send greetings to everyone who resists in Turkey’s prisons and the mountains, especially the Kurdish people’s leader. Kurds are attacked everywhere in Turkey from Izmir to Konya and Afyon. Our lands are being occupied. We Kurds have resisted everywhere against fascism so far, and we will resist again,” NAV-Berlin Co-Chair Hüseyin Yılmaz said in a statement on behalf of the organizing committee of the protest.

After Yılmaz’s speech, the activists laid down on the ground for five minutes. Then they stood up chanting the slogan “Biji Serok Apo” (Long live leader Öcalan)

“We are carrying out actions simultaneously in Paris and Berlin to protest the attitude of international forces, especially the U.S, that remain silent about the occupation and genocide in Kurdistan,” KCDK-E (European Kurdish Democratic Societies Congress) Co-Chair Fatoş Göksungur said.

“We are subjected to a massacre and the whole world is pretending not to see the massacre and genocide,” she noted.

“Of course, we, Kurdish people, will not remain silent against this invasion and genocide,” the KCDK-E Co-Chair added.

FED-KURD Co-Chair Kerem Gök drew attention to the anniversary of the Lausanne Treaty in his speech during the action.

“The anniversary of the treaty that divided Kurdistan into four parts 98 years ago is approaching. Today we are in Berlin, the capital of Germany. We are protesting against the contemporary sovereigns in front of the U.S consulate. We are stating here that we will not end our resistance until Kurdistan is free, the Kurdish people’s leader is freed, and the operations on the guerrilla areas are brought to an end,” Gök said.

“They want to occupy the lands of Kurdistan. They want to commit genocide,” KON-MED Co-Chair Zübeyde Zümrüt said.

Zümrüt addressed a call to the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). “Today, the US, Turkey and NATO say that they are friends with Barzani against the guerrilla. But if there are no guerrillas in Metina, Zap or Qandil, Barzani cannot maintain his government for 24 hours. The Kurds are subjected to a genocide. If we do not resist and fight, the Kurds will be massacred.”

During the action, the activists frequently chanted slogans demanding the freedom of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.

Kurdish singer Hozan Aydın performed several songs including ‘Mîrê Mîran’, which he dedicated to the Kurdish leader.
