Families of the martyrs of Ain Issa condemn attack on martyrs’ graves in Afrin

People and institutions continue to react against the Turkish state, which attacked the graves of martyrs in Afrin. The Turkish state had claimed that the martyrs’ plot in the center of Afrin was in fact a mass grave. They desecrated the graves, prompting a series of reactions.

The families of the martyrs of Ain Issa expressed their horror at what the Turkish state did.

Abud al-Ewad described the attack on martyrs’ graves as immoral and added that this was an act of provocation.

Eweş Ebdullah, a martyr’s wife, said that the Turkish state deliberately attacked the sacred values of the Kurdish people and added: “The attack by the Turkish state on the martyrs’ plot is an attack on the values of the Kurdish people. This is not a first either. They constantly targeted the graves of our martyrs. We condemn such practices in the strongest terms.”

Calling on the international public opinion, the martyrs’ families demanded the brutal practices carried out by the Turkish state to end.