Shepherd missing after being shot at by Turkish soldiers found

Shepherd Ismail Kaya from the hamlet of Çaltepe in the province of Hakkari was shot at by soldiers of the Turkish army and has been missing since that happened. Kaya, from the village of Kavakli, was with the herd in a high pasture near the village when he was shot at from the nearby military area. As his relative Vahit Kaya reported, the incident took place at 4.20 pm.

Ismail Kaya called him and said: “I drove the sheep to the alpine pastures. The soldiers shot at us and most of the sheep ran in a panic. I don’t know what to do.” Two hours passed and there was still no news from the shepherd, said Vahit Kaya.

Kaya was later found on the border of Beytüşşebap.

In the same region, three villagers were shot at, mistreated and insulted by soldiers just under three weeks ago. Hamit Kaya, Kemal Kurt and Mehmet Duman were looking for lost sheep when suddenly fire was opened on them.