SOHR: Young man from Afrin dies under torture in regime jail

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported the death of a young man from Khalalku village of Bilbile district in Afrin countryside, in the Syrian regime’s jails. The young man was arrested two months ago by regime security services during the disorder in Manbij at that time.

According to SOHR sources, the young man died under torture in the Political Security Branch in Aleppo more than a month ago, but his death was confirmed on July 19.

On June 17, SOHR activists reported that the Iranian-backed “al-Baqer Brigade”, the 4th Division and military security service are still clamping down on the residents inhabiting Sheikh Maqsoud and al-Ashrafiyya neighbourhoods and al-Shahbaa areas in Aleppo. According to SOHR sources, al-Baqer Brigade and regime forces have arrested nearly 15 women and four young men from the two neighbourhoods in the past few days, amid reports of the death of one of the detainees under torture in al-Baqer Brigade. On the other hand, the Iranian-backed brigade and regime forces continue tightening security measures on the residents traveling in and out the two neighbourhoods in Aleppo city and al-Shahbaa areas to the north of the city, as these areas are inhabited mostly by Kurdish civilians.

“As more people perish in detentions, the number of civilians who have died under torture in the regime’s prisons since the beginning of the Syrian revolution rose to 47,490 fatalities, all documented by names: 47,088 men and young men, 339 children under the age of eighteen, and 64 women over the age of eighteen,” SOHR said.

Reliable sources have informed the Syrian Observatory that the number of people killed, executed and/or died in regime prisons exceeded 104,000 people. Over 83% of the total death toll were killed and/or died in these prisons between May 2013 and October 2015. SOHR sources have also confirmed that more than 30,000 detainees were killed in the notorious prison of Sednaya alone, while the second largest percentage of killing occurred in the Air Force Intelligence detention facilities or prisons.