Meetings in Russia mark the anniversary of the 19 July Rojava Revolution

The Russian Representation of the Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria is holding a series of meetings and seminars on the Rojava Revolution for the Kurds living in different regions of Russia.

Reşad Benav, the Russian Representative of the Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria met with Kurds living in Russia to celebrate the anniversary of the revolution.

The first meeting was held in the Russian capital, Moscow, and then in Ozînki and Yershov in the region of Saratov.

Reşad Benav, Russian Representative of the Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria, spoke about the meaning of the revolution. Benav emphasized that the revolution was a turning point in the struggle of the Kurdish Freedom Movement and opened a new phase. Benav added that July is a very important month for the Kurdish people and that the revolution emerged with the spirit of the 14 July Amed Prison Resistance.

Benav also pointed out that the Rojava Revolution means hope for all the peoples of the world and added that the Rojava Revolution emerged as a result of the struggle of Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan and the PKK for more than 40 years.